Valentines Day 2023

The Primary Section of BVS spread love, peace and joy on the fresh bright morning of February, 14th 2023 at BVS Parsi High School.

  • Grade 1 students wore pink heart crowns made by themselves.
  • Grade 2 students made paper plate hangings decorated with heart stickers.
  • Grade 3 students made wreaths with pink, red, white paper with decorations.
  • Grade 4 made shaped photo frames.
  • Grade 5 students made wind chimes with re-used material.

All these items were made during their art craft classes.

Besides this, the students also wore something red as part of their uniform and also brought snack that was red colored to eat during break time. BVS Management treated the primary students with a chocolate. The boys also exchanged handmade red cards and chocolates expressing their love for their teachers and friends.

Muhammad Ibrahim of Grade 5A recited a passage in the morning assembly where he emphasized the fact that love is not only having a boyfriend or a girlfriend but its love when a mum gives her kid the best piece of cake or a little boy who puts his energy to give his dad a head massage or a teacher who offers her /his shoulder to cry on or a friend who makes others smile.

So let’s spread love, joy and peace every day to make everyone happy and most important to make ourselves happy too, as love is actually a name for care.