Social Studies Project 2021

GRADE 3,4&5 A/B/C

When students are happy, they are able to solve problem in a better way, they are more open to critical thought and reasoning, their focus is more in tune, their ability to retain and recall information is heightened. A happy child is much more likely to be motivated at school, to collaborate and build friendships with classmates, and to troubleshoot and solve both social and academic dilemmas.

According to L. FRANK BAUM

“In all this world there is nothing so beautiful as happy child”

Keeping this in mind this year’s Social Studies project was a happiness jar. A HAPPINESS JAR is a project inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love. It’s a simple way of reminding our self every day of the good that came out of our day, even if the day has been a challenge.

Students of grade 3,4 and 5 (all sections) made beautiful Happiness jars using old jars from their mum’s kitchens and decorated it with buntings, buttons, lace and other decorative material. students were asked to write their day to day happy movements and fill the jar with same.

On the project day the happiness jars were displayed in each class and students shared what they wrote as daily writing activity in their happiness jars with their class mates, students also filled in an activity sheet on happiness. Due to this project student were able to learn that they have to be grateful with what they have.