International Women’s Day

08th of March every year is considered an important event in BVS each year.

Being an all-boys school it is imperative to inculcate the equality, honour and integrity of every women in the young hearts and minds of the boys.

The morning assembly on 08th and 09th March were celebrated with speeches by the students and a small message by the Principal:

“Struggle for women empowerment is not a fight against man. It is a struggle for equality, honour and integrity.”

March 08th is a day of celebration. We celebrate all those women who for hundreds of years have struggled for the rights of other women.

As young boys; young men; I am confident that you all will respect, honour and uphold the rights of your mothers, sisters, aunts, elders, future wives and future daughters and those of the women of the world at large.

To my sisters present here; May the marvelous feminine energy cover our world with its warmth and greatness!

Happy Women’s Day!!